23 Oct 2010

Never gonna give you up.

I got back here.

I might be too late though... I hope not. School work and stuff have been eating my time, so that's one part of the reason. The second part is I kind of gave up hope. Today I thought "I should check this bolg again," so I did and noticed that Greg saw my last post as some kind of revival. I'll gladly continue to support this blog and community. Cheers to a new day. Cheers to Halloween. Viva la Pisshap.


  1. wooooo blog suport :) keep it up guys!
    have you guys finished your game yet?

  2. Well, I don't think any of us were working on a game together (or at least known that I know of...). We were just sharing our ideas. We really should work on something together though.. but I think everyone is gone now.
